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菌害:attack by fungi and bacteria 木材腐朽菌:wood destroying fungi 擔子菌綱:basidiomycetes 子囊菌綱:ascomycetes 半知菌類:fungi-imperfecti/deuteromyetes 結合菌類:Zygomycetes 多孔菌目:polyprales/polyporaceae 變色菌:stain fungi 黴菌:mould 菌絲:hyphae 菌絲體:mycelium 子實體:fruit body 孢子:spore 酶:enzyme 青變blue stain 邊材變色:sap stain 邊材腐朽: sap rot 心材腐朽:heart rot 幹基腐朽:butt rot 白腐:white rot 褐腐:brown rot 乾腐:dry rot 濕腐:wet rot 軟腐:soft rot 線帶:zone line 蟲害:attack by insects 木材鑽孔蟲:wood-boring insects 蟲孔:insects hole 小蟲眼:shothole/small insect-hole 大蟲眼:grub hole 針孔蟲眼:pin hole 表面蟲眼和蟲溝:surface insect holes and galleries 蛀屑:frass/bore dust 蛸翅目:Coleoptera 天牛科:Cerambycidae 小蠹科:Scolytidae 長小蠹科:Platypodidae 竊蠹科:Anobiidae 長蠹科:Bostrychidae 粉蠹科:Lyctidae 粉蠹甲蟲:powder-post beetles 食菌小蠹:ambrosia beetles 象鼻蟲科:Curculionidae 吉丁蟲科:Buprestidae 等翅目:Isoptera 家白蟻:Coptotermes formosanus 散白蟻:Reticulitermes spp. 堆沙白蟻:Cryptotermes spp 膜翅目:Hymenoptera 木蟻:carpenter ant 木蜂:carpenter bee 樹蜂:wood wasp 海生鑽孔動物的危害:attack by Marine borers 軟體鑽孔動物:Molluscan borers 甲殼鑽孔動物:Crustacean borers 船蛆:Teredo navalis 木材耐火性:fire resistance of wood 風化:weathering 機械磨損:mechanical wear 化學損壞(降解):chemical degradation